Hole House v0.1.62 Update June Part 1

Hey everyone, I hope you’re all having a good day. Its time again for another update and this one has a lot of stuff that has been updated as well as a lot of new features. Ill do a quick talk about the new character Yorha 2B which you’ll all get to enjoy, then let you know about some code changes and then finish with some more stuff I hope you’ll like :)

Yorha 2B Added

So with the addition of Vault Girl for the patrons, if you want access to her you can follow me on Patreon, everyone else gets access to the Yorha 2B scenes with a lot more added to her than normal. Most of you have probably already done her quest line and unlocked her but if you haven’t she has a quick bit of dialogue you can read through in her location and after that you should have access to her in all the scenes :D

I really like the way she looks and she is quickly becoming one of my favourite characters so I hope you do too. If you notice anything off about her or things in her scenes not syncing up please let me know and I can get that fixed right away.

Updates To Code (Loading Saves, Loading Scenes, Hole 2 & Th*ghjob)

This update has had quite a lot of changes to the code to not only help improve how the game runs but also gives me the ability to add some cool new features down the line once everything has been updated.

Firstly the Loading of your save, now some of you might have notice for the last few months of updates the load button is taking longer and longer to load when you click it on the Main Menu. This is due to the amount of new stuff that is being added, which is a good thing as it means you get more content, however it has lead to longer loading times for saves. Luckily you don’t need to worry any more as I have found a way to not only reduce the loading times but 90% which is a huge amount but also added a loading bar that will show you how much of the save has loaded instead of having the screen just stop while it loads everything. Hopefully these two things are a nice addition and work as intended. If you have any problems with this though let me know ASAP as it should work exactly how it has in previous updates where clicking Load will take you right into where you left off.

Secondly Loading Scenes, this is a huge code thing that I have had to change and with it could come some bugs so what I have done is only updated how the scenes are loaded for when you are changing between characters in a scene, this is so if there are any bugs it won’t stop you viewing scenes. The main thing I would like you to test is that the character changing while in a scene still works and takes you to the right character. If there are any bugs with this or if it does something you don’t think it should be doing please let me know, even if you’re not sure I’d still love to hear just incase.

Finally Hole 2 & Th*ghjob Updates, in the search of more performance I have updated these scenes to run in a new way, similar to how the camera scenes run. You shouldn’t notice any differences visually so if you do let me know. The main thing with this is just let me know if any scenes load the wrong character or place as I had to reorder some of the scenes to get this to work so if there are any things that are wrong I’ll get them fixed right away :)

More Outfits, Characters Added To Scenes And Still Images

Just like always I have added a lot more characters to scenes and unique outfits across a range of characters which you can see down in the update notes. For the outfits I have gone with some unique outfits for the Hole 1, M*ssionary V2 and Rev C*wgirl (Back) scenes along with also adding some fur strands to Loona, Lola etc in the C*wgirl Gr*nding scene. I don’t know if that really counts as an outfit but its a nice littler edition nonetheless.

As for the characters added to scenes there is a whole range of them across loads of scene so ill let you look through them below. There has also been two more still images like always this time adding two for Moxxi, one where she is Bent Over and one where she has her Legs Spread.

Hopefully you are liking these still images and these outfits.

One last thing to do with the outfits is I am trying lots of different ways of animating them, I won’t tell you which ones use which way but if you notice any look better than other quality/animation wise let me know. If they all look the same that’s great I can use the way of animating that takes up the least amount of space :D

New Backgrounds & C*m Stays In M*ssionary V2

This is some other fun little things I added. For the backgrounds I have finally added themed backgrounds to the M*ssionary Scenes and also added themed desks for the reception. However I did want to keep the old desks still in the game so what I have done is in the house theme selector window in the top right there is an option to choose if you want to use the house theme desk or one of the individual themed desks. Let me know if there are any problems with this and hopefully it works well.

As for the C*m staying, this has been added to a lot of other scenes and everyone on Patreon seems to love it as it always does well in polls so was only fair to add it to another scenes, this should work with all the leg positions and everything else in the scene but if there is any clipping issues please let me know.

Other Misc Stuff

This update has had so much added and improved upon I think I have probably missed a few things out but in general the other things are improvements to how the game runs, some small things that make it more fun to play, like stuff saving between characters in a scene and other things. You can see everything else below.

Finally Thank You So Much For Your Support, I Hope You Enjoy This Update As Much As I Do :D

Free Update Notes

  • New Features
    • New Character Yorha 2B
      • 120+ Seconds Of Audio
      • Talk To Her In Her Location
      • Hole 1
        • V*g And An*l
        • Screen
        • B*ob Size
        • Outfits
      • M*ssionary V2
        • Leg Position
        • Outfits
        • B*ob Sizes
        • V*g And An*l
        • Squ*rt
      • Rev C*wgirl (Back)
        • Outfits
        • B*obs
        • Speed Changer
      • D*ggy
        • Outfits
        • V*g And An*l
        • Speed Changer
        • Squ*rt
      • P*ep Hole
        • Outfits
        • Squ*rt
        • B*ob Size
      • H*ndjob
        • C*mshot
        • Outfits
        • Soft Audio
      • Rev C*wgirl (Front)
        • V*g And An*l
        • B*ob Size
        • Outfits
      • On Side
        • Outfits
        • V*g And An*l
        • B*ob Size
      • F*ngering (Side)
        • Outfits
        • Soft Audio
        • Squ*rt
      • F*ngering (Front)
        • Outfits
        • Soft Audio
        • Squ*rt
      • Shower
        • V*g Variations
        • Squ*rt
      • Hole 2
        • V*g And An*l
        • B*ob Size
        • Outfits
        • A*s Size
      • Straddle
        • B*ob Play
        • V*brator
        • Head Mask
    • Tatsumaki Double D*ldo
      • Speed Change
      • B*ob Size
      • Outfits
      • Depth Change
      • Squ*rt
    • Moxxi Double D*ldo
      • Speed Change
      • B*ob Size
      • Outfits
      • Depth Change
      • Squ*rt
    • Yoruichi Double D*ldo
      • Speed Change
      • B*ob Size
      • Outfits
      • Depth Change
      • Squ*rt
    • Mirko Double D*ldo
      • Speed Change
      • B*ob Size
      • Outfits
      • Depth Change
      • Squ*rt
    • Ahsoka Double D*ldo
      • Speed Change
      • B*ob Size
      • Outfits
      • Depth Change
      • Squ*rt
    • Tatsumaki Th*ghjob
      • C*mshot
      • Soft Audio
      • Outfits
      • Speed Slider
    • Power M*ssionary V1 (Old Scene)
      • Outfits
      • Squ*rt
      • B*ob Size
    • Tatsumaki M*ssionary V1 (Old Scene)
      • Outfits
      • Squ*rt
      • B*ob Size
    • Mercy M*ssionary V1 (Old Scene)
      • Outfits
      • Squ*rt
      • B*ob Size
    • Chun Li M*ssionary V1 (Old Scene)
      • Outfits
      • Squ*rt
      • B*ob Size
    • Moxxi M*ssionary V1 (Old Scene)
      • Outfits
      • Squ*rt
      • B*ob Size
    • New Outfits
      • Aqua Sk*rt Hole 1
      • Yor Forger Jumper Hole 1
      • Ahsoka M*ssionary V2
        • Sleeves
        • Top Wear
        • Skirt
        • Leg Wear
      • Mercy Rev C*wgirl (Back)
        • Full Dress
        • Wings
      • F*r Strands C*wgirl Gr*nding
        • Loona
        • Lola B
        • Roxy
        • Judy H
    • M*ssionary V2 C*m Stays
    • Still Images
      • Moxxi Bent Over
        • 4 Variations
      • Moxxi Spread
        • 4 Variations
    • New Backgrounds
      • M*ssionary V2
        • All Themed Floor Backgrounds
      • M*ssionary V2 Desks
        • All Themed Desk Backgrounds
        • Will Select From The 9 Themes Of You Have “Use Themed Desk” Toggled In The Room Upgrades Menu
      • Reception
        • 9 Themed Desks (Will be used if you have the “Use Themed Desk” Toggled In The Room Upgrades Menu)
    • Standing Characters Add
      • Tatsumaki
      • Yoruichi
  • QOL
    • Huge Updates To How Saves Are Loaded
      • 90% Reduction In Save Load Time
      • Loading Save Bar Added
    • Hole 2 Updated To New Code
      • Should Run Smoother
      • Characters Will Load In On Start Of Scene
    • Th*ghjob Updated To New Code
      • Should Run Smoother
      • Characters Will Load In On Start Of Scene
    • Hole 2 Guy Body Saves If You Have Save Scene Variables Toggled
    • Hole 3 Guy Body Saves If You Have Save Scene Variables Toggled
    • Added Scene Variable Saves
      • Hole 1 Screen
      • Hole 1 X Ray
      • M*ssionary V2 Leg Pos
      • Hole 2 An*l
      • D*ggy Close Up View
      • C*wgirl Gr*nding Leg Position
      • Double D*ldo Depth
    • Update To How Characters Scenes Are Loaded
      • Let Me Know If The Loading Of Scenes Feels Like There Are Any Performance Issues
      • This has only been added for switching between characters in all the scenes to make sure there are no problems
    • All H*ndjob Scenes Update To “Scene Holder” For Better Performance
    • Favourites Now Work In M*ssionary V1 Character Select
  • Bug Fixes
    • Hole 1 Sk*rt Toggle On Fix
    • Hole 1 Options Text Size
    • Th*ghjob And Double D*ldo Character Select Name Fix
    • F*ngering (Front) Bar Fix
    • Th*ghjob Scenes Greyed Out For Some Characters Fix
    • Starfire Rev C*wgril (Back) LegWear Fix
    • Loona Hole 1 A*s Position Fix
    • Albedo Wings Position Hole 1 Fix
    • Marge C*wgirl Gr*nding Wrong Outfit Options
    • Marge Hole 1 Animation Fix
    • Mrs McPherson Hole 2 Fix
    • Hole 1 Skin Tone Fix
    • Mirko M*ssionary V2 Moon Fix
    • Raven head V2/V3 Head Size Increase H*ndjob
    • Charlie Hole 1 Paper Image Fix
    • F*ngering Speed Slide Toggle Fix
    • B*objob Opacity Fix
    • C*wgirl Gr*nding Opacity Fix
    • Sam Unlock Quest Fix
    • Hair Fix For Some Characters M*ssionary V2
    • Speech Bubbles Turning On In D*ggy Close Up
    • M*ssionary V2 Wrong B*ob Size When Outfit Change

Patreon Update Notes

  • New Features
    • New Character Vault Girl
      • 120+ Seconds Of Audio
      • Minigame Unlocking Quest In Her Location
      • Hole 1
        • V*g And An*l
        • Screen
        • B*ob Size
        • Outfits
      • M*ssionary V2
        • Leg Position
        • Outfits
        • B*ob Sizes
        • V*g And An*l
        • Squ*rt
      • Rev C*wgirl (Back)
        • Outfits
        • B*obs
        • Speed Changer
      • D*ggy
        • Outfits
        • V*g And An*l
        • Speed Changer
        • Squ*rt
      • P*ep Hole
        • Outfits
        • Squ*rt
        • B*ob Size
      • H*ndjob
        • C*mshot
        • Outfits
        • Soft Audio
      • Rev C*wgirl (Front)
        • V*g And An*l
        • B*ob Size
        • Outfits
      • On Side
        • Outfits
        • V*g And An*l
        • B*ob Size
      • F*ngering (Side)
        • Outfits
        • Soft Audio
        • Squ*rt
      • F*ngering (Front)
        • Outfits
        • Soft Audio
        • Squ*rt
      • Shower
        • V*g Variations
        • Squ*rt
      • Hole 2
        • V*g And An*l
        • B*ob Size
        • Outfits
        • A*s Size
      • Straddle
        • B*ob Play
        • V*brator
        • Head Mask
    • Shego Double D*ldo
      • Speed Change
      • B*ob Size
      • Outfits
      • Depth Change
      • Squ*rt
    • Marceline Double D*ldo
      • Speed Change
      • B*ob Size
      • Outfits
      • Depth Change
      • Squ*rt
    • Marceline Th*ghjob
      • C*mshot
      • Soft Audio
      • Outfits
      • Speed Slider
    • Charlie M Double D*ldo
      • Speed Change
      • B*ob Size
      • Outfits
      • Depth Change
      • Squ*rt
    • Carrot Double D*ldo
      • Speed Change
      • B*ob Size
      • Outfits
      • Depth Change
      • Squ*rt
    • Mrs McPherson Double D*ldo
      • Speed Change
      • B*ob Size
      • Outfits
      • Depth Change
      • Squ*rt
    • Poison Ivy Double D*ldo
      • Speed Change
      • B*ob Size
      • Outfits
      • Depth Change
      • Squ*rt
    • Dva Double D*ldo
      • Speed Change
      • B*ob Size
      • Outfits
      • Depth Change
      • Squ*rt
    • Mirko D*epthroat V2
      • Arch Slider
      • Speed Slider
      • B*ob Size
      • Outfits
    • Ahsoka D*epthroat V2
      • Arch Slider
      • Speed Slider
      • B*ob Size
      • Outfits
    • Shego D*epthroat V2
      • Arch Slider
      • Speed Slider
      • B*ob Size
      • Outfits
    • Starfire D*epthroat V2
      • Arch Slider
      • Speed Slider
      • B*ob Size
      • Outfits
    • Yoruichi D*epthroat V2
      • Arch Slider
      • Speed Slider
      • B*ob Size
      • Outfits
    • Shego On Side
      • Outfits
      • B*ob Size
      • V*g And An*l
    • Charlie M X B*SM
      • B*ob Play
      • V*g Rub
      • D*ldo
      • Th*gh Rub
      • 2 B*ob Sizes
    • Carrot X B*SM
      • B*ob Play
      • V*g Rub
      • D*ldo
      • Th*gh Rub
      • 2 B*ob Sizes
    • Mrs McPherson X B*SM
      • B*ob Play
      • V*g Rub
      • D*ldo
      • Th*gh Rub
      • 2 B*ob Sizes
    • Poison Ivy X B*SM
      • B*ob Play
      • V*g Rub
      • D*ldo
      • Th*gh Rub
      • 2 B*ob Sizes
    • Lola B D*ggy Close Up
      • Both Views
      • B*ob Sizes
      • Outfits
    • Loona D*ggy Close Up
      • Both Views
      • B*ob Sizes
      • Outfits
    • Judy H D*ggy Close Up
      • Both Views
      • B*ob Sizes
      • Outfits
    • Roxy D*ggy Close Up
      • Both Views
      • B*ob Sizes
      • Outfits
    • Power M*ssionary V1 (Old Scene)
      • Outfits
      • Squ*rt
      • B*ob Size
    • Tatsumaki M*ssionary V1 (Old Scene)
      • Outfits
      • Squ*rt
      • B*ob Size
    • Mercy M*ssionary V1 (Old Scene)
      • Outfits
      • Squ*rt
      • B*ob Size
    • Chun Li M*ssionary V1 (Old Scene)
      • Outfits
      • Squ*rt
      • B*ob Size
    • Moxxi M*ssionary V1 (Old Scene)
      • Outfits
      • Squ*rt
      • B*ob Size
    • New Outfits
      • Rebecca Hole 1 Jacket
      • Albedo Hole 1 Dress
      • Tsunade Hole 1
        • Jacket
        • Shirt
      • Power Hole 1
        • Jacket
        • Shirt
      • Gwen TDI Hole 1 Sk*rt
      • Charlie M On Side
        • Jacket
        • Trousers
      • Yorha 2B M*ssionary V2
        • BodySuit
        • Dress
        • LegWear
      • F*r Strands C*wgirl Gr*nding
        • Loona
        • Lola B
        • Roxy
        • Judy H
    • M*ssionary V2 C*m Stays
    • Still Images
      • Sam Bent Over
        • 4 Variations
      • Raven On Top
        • 4 Variations
    • New Backgrounds
      • M*ssionary V2
        • All Themed Floor Backgrounds
      • M*ssionary V2 Desks
        • All Themed Desk Backgrounds
        • Will Select From The 9 Themes Of You Have “Use Themed Desk” Toggled In The Room Upgrades Menu
      • Reception
        • 9 Themed Desks (Will be used if you have the “Use Themed Desk” Toggled In The Room Upgrades Menu)
    • Standing Characters Add
      • Tatsumaki
      • Yoruichi
  • QOL
    • Huge Updates To How Saves Are Loaded
      • 90% Reduction In Save Load Time
      • Loading Save Bar Added
    • Hole 2 Updated To New Code
      • Should Run Smoother
      • Characters Will Load In On Start Of Scene
    • Th*ghjob Updated To New Code
      • Should Run Smoother
      • Characters Will Load In On Start Of Scene
    • Hole 2 Guy Body Saves If You Have Save Scene Variables Toggled
    • Hole 3 Guy Body Saves If You Have Save Scene Variables Toggled
    • Added Scene Variable Saves
      • Hole 1 Screen
      • Hole 1 X Ray
      • M*ssionary V2 Leg Pos
      • Hole 2 An*l
      • D*ggy Close Up View
      • C*wgirl Gr*nding Leg Position
      • Double D*ldo Depth
    • Update To How Characters Scenes Are Loaded
      • Let Me Know If The Loading Of Scenes Feels Like There Are Any Performance Issues
      • This has only been added for switching between characters in all the scenes to make sure there are no problems
    • All H*ndjob Scenes Update To “Scene Holder” For Better Performance
    • Speed Slider Added To H*ndjob Scene
    • Favourites Now Work In M*ssionary V1 Character Select
  • Bug Fixes
    • Hole 1 Sk*rt Toggle On Fix
    • Hole 1 Options Text Size
    • Th*ghjob And Double D*ldo Character Select Name Fix
    • F*ngering (Front) Bar Fix
    • Th*ghjob Scenes Greyed Out For Some Characters Fix
    • Starfire Rev C*wgril (Back) LegWear Fix
    • Loona Hole 1 A*s Position Fix
    • Albedo Wings Position Hole 1 Fix
    • Marge C*wgirl Gr*nding Wrong Outfit Options
    • Marge Hole 1 Animation Fix
    • Mrs McPherson Hole 2 Fix
    • Hole 1 Skin Tone Fix
    • Mirko M*ssionary V2 Moon Fix
    • Raven head V2/V3 Head Size Increase H*ndjob
    • Charlie Hole 1 Paper Image Fix
    • F*ngering Speed Slide Toggle Fix
    • B*objob Opacity Fix
    • C*wgirl Gr*nding Opacity Fix
    • Sam Unlock Quest Fix
    • Hair Fix For Some Characters M*ssionary V2
    • Speech Bubbles Turning On In D*ggy Close Up
    • M*ssionary V2 Wrong B*ob Size When Outfit Change


(v0.1.62) HoleHouse [Windows].zip 526 MB
35 days ago
(v0.1.62) HoleHouse [Linux].zip 525 MB
35 days ago
(v0.1.62) HoleHouse [Mac].zip 536 MB
35 days ago
(v0.1.62) HoleHouse [Android].apk 576 MB
35 days ago
(v0.1.62) HoleHouse [Chrome OS].apk 578 MB
35 days ago
(v0.1.62) HoleHouse [Android 32Bit].apk 561 MB
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Please change the background colour of this page or change the font colour, it literally hurts my eyes trying to read

Very bright colours & white text 🤕