Hole House v0.1.63 Update June Part 2

Hey everyone I hope you’re all doing well. There’s a lot of new fun stuff for you to enjoy in this update but I first wanted to start of by telling you some codes changes I have made and some bugs to look out for.

Code Changes To Loading Characters

Note - As a fail safe I have made it so if there are any errors it should load you back into the office scene if anything goes wrong.

Now last update I made some changes to the way scenes were loaded so that in the future I can add a lot more cool features like having multiple characters in scenes, switching between any scene and character from the one you are in and more. So far nobody has said they had any problems switching between characters from within scenes so i’m assuming the code worked. For this update I have added it to every button that loads a character scene so if you load a character and it doesn’t work or loads you into the wrong scene please tell me:

  • What character you were loading
  • What scene you were loading
  • Where you were loading it from

This will allow me to pin point where the bug is and hopefully get it fixed quickly.

One more thing to look out for, this code will load in for some places on the start of the scene load and other places when you are viewing the scene list, if you notice any performance issues that you didn’t in previous updates please let me know as well and I’ll see what I can do :)

D*epthroat V2

Now on to the good stuff, this is a redone scene of the previous D*epthroat scene however there has been a lot of improvements and new features added to it.

Firstly all the art has been complete redrawn and the position changed so you can view the girls a*s. The D*ck has also been made more veiny and looks a lot better.

For the features this scene will have the normal stuff like speed sliders, outfits, B*ob size and all of that but there are two more features that are unique to this scene.

Firstly the A*s Arch Slider. When you select this a slider will appear at the top of the screen which you can slide to change how much the girls A*s is arched up in the air. This is a very cool feature I think and just gives you that extra bit of control over how the scene looks.

Secondly you are able to toggle between two different hand positions of the girls, these don’t change the position drastically but do give you that little extra freedom to pick what you like.

There is also lots of outfits to pick from in this one such as N*pple Tape, Sp*nk Areas, An*l Plug Tail, Sk*rt and more.

There are still some features I would like to add to this scene like the X-Ray view but I would like to fully draw this from scratch to have it perfectly match with the scene.

Anyway I hope you like it and if you have any ideas for some more outfits in this scene let me know :D

Yorha 2B Added To All Scenes & More Characters Added To Scenes

Just like I normally do I have added lots more characters to scenes they weren’t in with a focus on Yorha 2B. She should now be in every scene apart from the most recent one but will be coming to that shortly :)

The next characters and scenes were a bit of a mix adding Lola to the D*ggy Close Up and then some character to the Th*ghjob including Marge, Starfire and more.

We are getting very close to having every character in every scene now so hopefully that comes soon and I can start focusing on adding some new cool features.

More Outfits & Still Image

For the outfits this update I started with a focus on adding more unique outfits to Hole 1 and then also some more to the C*wgirl Gr*nding and D*ggy. These last two scenes have lots of parts to each of the outfits and you will be able to toggle them as you see fit.

Another thing this has remained me of is if the new loading of scenes works well then I might be able to have it so any characters unique outfit can be used with any other character which would be cool. This is down the line though I need to make sure this new code works well so please let me know if there are any problems.

As for the still images there are two more for you to view, Moxxi and Jinx. We are getting close now to having all the old ones redone and then after that it will be full on to adding completely new never before scene positions and characters :)

New Head Designs

A couple of months ago I added some new head designs to some of the characters and for some of these I let you choose between different head designs. I am continuing with that as I think it was a very cool feature and a lot of people have wanted more after seeing some of the sketches. For this update you are getting the 3rd head variation for Raven and if you are interested for Patreon there is a new head design for Gwen S and a Classic Harley design for Harley Q.


There has also been a lot of quality of life stuff done this update with the main focus on reducing lag in certain areas. For a long time now when you open a quest for the first time it will lag before showing it to you. This should now be completely gone and the text for the quest window should be more crisp and HD.

I have also updated every scene now to the new storage method which has reduced the games size by a decent amount and will help improve performance (The actual size of the game has gone up but that’s because I added loads of new stuff, it would have gone up more if I didn’t do this). If you notice any bugs in these scenes though please let me know and I’ll get them fixed

  • P*ep Hole
  • D*epthroat V1
  • Rev C*wgirl (Front)
  • Straddle Basement

This could be things like quests not completing, character becoming out of sync or things not toggling. They all should be easy fixes its mainly if I forget to link something up :)

Anyway I hope you like all this new stuff, there’s still a lot more to come so enjoy :D

Free Update Notes

  • New Features
    • New Scene D*epthroat V2
      • Talk To Harley And Find Rubber Duck Quest Line
      • Features
        • 3 B*ob Variations
        • Speed Changer
        • Outfits
        • Enhanced C*mshot
        • Ass Arch
        • Hand Placement
      • Characters
        • Velma
        • Samus
        • Zeld
        • Raven
        • Sam
        • Kim P
        • Jinx
        • Gwen S
        • Harley Q
        • Peach
        • Android 18
        • Mirko
        • Rias G
        • Luka
        • ElastiGirl
        • Tsunade
    • Yorha 2B D*ggy Close Up
      • Both Views
      • 4 B*ob Size
      • Dripping C*m
      • Outfits
    • Yorha 2B B*objob
      • Soft Audio
      • C*mshot
      • Outfits
    • Yorha 2B C*wgirl Gr*nding
      • Leg Position
      • Outfits
      • 4 B*ob Size
    • Yorha 2B Double D*ldo
      • Speed Change
      • Depth Change
      • D*ldo Options
      • Double Cr*ampie
    • Yorha 2B Th*ghjob
      • C*mshot
      • An*l Option
      • Outfits
    • Lola B D*ggy Close Up
      • Both Views
      • 4 B*ob Size
      • Dripping C*m
      • Outfits
    • Marge Th*ghjob
      • C*mshot
      • An*l Option
      • Outfits
    • Starfire Th*ghjob
      • C*mshot
      • An*l Option
      • Outfits
    • New Outfits
      • Starfire Hole 1
      • Rebecca Hole 1
      • Ahsoka C*wgirl Gr*nding
        • Skirt
        • Top Wear
        • Belt
        • Sleeves
      • Yorha 2B D*ggy
        • Dress
        • BodySuit
        • Pants
        • LegWear
    • Raven New More On Character Head Design Option
      • Hole 1
      • M*ssionary On Desk
      • M*ssionary V2
      • Rev C*wgirl (Back)
      • D*ggy
      • P*ep Hole
      • H*ndjob
      • D*epthroat
      • D*epthroat V2
      • Rev C*wgirl (Front)
      • Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2
      • On Side
      • F*ngering
      • Shower
      • Straddle
      • D*ggy Close Up
      • B*objob
      • X B*SM
      • C*wgirl Gr*nding
      • Double D*ldo
      • Th*ghjob
      • F*otjob
    • New Still Images
      • Moxxi Held Up
        • 4 Variations
      • Jinx Against wall
        • 4 Variations
    • Quest Icons UI Updated
  • QOL
    • Clicking Quest Button Lag Removed
    • Quest Window Better Text Font Quality
    • P*ep Hole Updated To New Code For Better Performance
    • Rev C*wgirl (Front) Updated To New Code For Better Performance
    • Straddle Updated To New Code For Better Performance
    • X Cross Updated To New Code For Better Performance
    • D*epthroat V1 Updated To New Code For Better Performance
    • All Scene Loading Buttons Updated To New Code
    • File Size Reduced by 50Mb
  • Bug Fixes
    • Samus D*ggy Quest Fix
    • Sam B*objob Quest Fix For The M*ssionary Scene
    • Use Themed Desk Button Fix
    • Velma C*wgirl Gr*nding Background Fix
    • Loading Save Bar Made Smoother
    • No Mans Land Click Blocking Fix
    • Vault Girl Hint Added To Show How To Find Radiation
    • When Letting Go Over The Radiation On Android It Will Count As Finding It
    • Vault Girl Quest Volume Lowered
    • Toggle F*r Stands C*wgirl Gr*nding Fix
    • Wrong Name For Judy H In D*ggy Close Up
    • Mirko Bodysuit Overlapping M*ssionary V2 Fix
    • Snow Outside Turned Off
    • C*wgirl Gr*nding Outfits Selector And Office Scene Select Clipping Fix
    • Top Clothes Item Text Clipping In Some Scenes Fix
    • Coming Soon Added To Th*ghjob Hallway Scenes
    • Marge M*ssionary V1 Updated
    • Option Text Hole 1 Scale Better
    • D*ggy Close Up Poison Ivy Change View Fix
    • Yorha 2B D*ggy Animation Sync Fix
    • Complete Sam Quest M*ssionary V2 Fix
    • Change Name Position Fix
    • Frankie C*wgirl Gr*nding Shirt Fix
    • Charlie M*ssionary On Desk Sync Fix
    • Dva Hole 3 Mouth Fix

Patreon Update Notes

  • New Features
    • New Scene F*otjob
      • Talk To Harley And Find Rubber Duck Quest Line
      • Features
        • 8 B*ob Sizes/Variations
        • Speed Changer
        • Outfits
        • Enhanced C*mshot
        • Moving Shadow
      • Characters
        • Velma
        • Samus
        • Zeld
        • Raven
        • Sam
        • Jinx
        • Gwen S
        • Harley Q
        • Peach
        • Android 18
        • Charlie
        • Kim P
        • Rias G
        • Luka
        • ElastiGirl
        • Frankie F
        • Jessica R
        • Gardevoir
        • Tsunade
        • Rebecca
    • Dva Th*ghjob
      • C*mshot
      • Soft Audio
      • Outfits
      • Speed Slider
    • Charlie M Th*ghjob
      • C*mshot
      • Soft Audio
      • Outfits
      • Speed Slider
    • Carrot Th*ghjob
      • C*mshot
      • Soft Audio
      • Outfits
      • Speed Slider
    • Mrs McPherson Th*ghjob
      • C*mshot
      • Soft Audio
      • Outfits
      • Speed Slider
    • Vault Girl Th*ghjob
      • C*mshot
      • Soft Audio
      • Outfits
      • Speed Slider
    • Vault Girl D*ggy Close Up
      • Both Views
      • Speed Slider
      • Outfits
      • 4 B*ob Size
    • Vault Girl B*objob
      • Soft Audio
      • Outfits
      • C*mshot
    • Vault Girl C*wgirl Gr*nding
      • Speed Slider
      • Leg Position
      • B*ob Size
      • Outfits
    • Charlie M Hole 3
      • Outfits
      • B*ob Size
      • Speed Slider
    • Carrot Hole 3
      • Outfits
      • B*ob Size
      • Speed Slider
    • Mrs McPherson Hole 3
      • Outfits
      • B*ob Size
      • Speed Slider
    • Vault Girl Hole 3
      • Outfits
      • B*ob Size
      • Speed Slider
    • Albedo Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2
      • B*ob Sizes
      • Outfits
      • V*g And An*l
    • Aqua Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2
      • B*ob Sizes
      • Outfits
      • V*g And An*l
    • Power Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2
      • B*ob Sizes
      • Outfits
      • V*g And An*l
    • Tatsumaki Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2
      • B*ob Sizes
      • Outfits
      • V*g And An*l
    • Mercy Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2
      • B*ob Sizes
      • Outfits
      • V*g And An*l
    • New Outfits
      • Tatsumaki Dress Hole 1
      • Mercy Suit Hole 1
      • Yorha 2B Dress Hole 1
      • Albedo C*wgirl Gr*nding
        • Long Dress
        • Short Dress
        • Web
        • Necklace
        • Sleeves
      • Chun Li Rev C*wgirl (Back)
        • Top Wear
        • Wrist Band
        • Dress
        • Pantyhose
    • Harley Quinn New Classic Head Design Option
      • Hole 1
      • M*ssionary On Desk
      • M*ssionary V2
      • Rev C*wgirl (Back)
      • D*ggy
      • P*ep Hole
      • H*ndjob
      • D*epthroat
      • D*epthroat V2
      • Rev C*wgirl (Front)
      • Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2
      • On Side
      • F*ngering
      • Shower
      • Straddle
      • D*ggy Close Up
      • B*objob
      • X B*SM
      • C*wgirl Gr*nding
      • Double D*ldo
      • Th*ghjob
      • F*otjob
    • Gwen S New Head Design Option
      • Hole 1
      • M*ssionary On Desk
      • M*ssionary V2
      • Rev C*wgirl (Back)
      • D*ggy
      • P*ep Hole
      • H*ndjob
      • D*epthroat
      • D*epthroat V2
      • Rev C*wgirl (Front)
      • Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2
      • On Side
      • F*ngering
      • Shower
      • Straddle
      • D*ggy Close Up
      • B*objob
      • X B*SM
      • C*wgirl Gr*nding
      • Double D*ldo
      • Th*ghjob
      • F*otjob
    • New Still Images
      • Rias Bent Over
        • 4 Variations
      • Gwen S On Side
        • 2 Variations
    • Quest Icons UI Updated
  • QOL
    • Clicking Quest Button Lag Removed
    • Quest Window Better Text Font Quality
    • P*ep Hole Updated To New Code For Better Performance
    • Rev C*wgirl (Front) Updated To New Code For Better Performance
    • Straddle Updated To New Code For Better Performance
    • X Cross Updated To New Code For Better Performance
    • D*epthroat V1 Updated To New Code For Better Performance
    • All Scene Loading Buttons Updated To New Code
    • File Size Reduced by 50Mb
  • Bug Fixes
    • Samus D*ggy Quest Fix
    • Sam B*objob Quest Fix For The M*ssionary Scene
    • Use Themed Desk Button Fix
    • Velma C*wgirl Gr*nding Background Fix
    • Loading Save Bar Made Smoother
    • No Mans Land Click Blocking Fix
    • Vault Girl Hint Added To Show How To Find Radiation
    • When Letting Go Over The Radiation On Android It Will Count As Finding It
    • Vault Girl Quest Volume Lowered
    • Toggle F*r Stands C*wgirl Gr*nding Fix
    • Wrong Name For Judy H In D*ggy Close Up
    • Mirko Bodysuit Overlapping M*ssionary V2 Fix
    • Snow Outside Turned Off
    • C*wgirl Gr*nding Outfits Selector And Office Scene Select Clipping Fix
    • Top Clothes Item Text Clipping In Some Scenes Fix
    • Coming Soon Added To Th*ghjob Hallway Scenes
    • Marge M*ssionary V1 Updated
    • Option Text Hole 1 Scale Better
    • D*ggy Close Up Poison Ivy Change View Fix
    • Yorha 2B D*ggy Animation Sync Fix
    • Complete Sam Quest M*ssionary V2 Fix
    • Change Name Position Fix
    • Frankie C*wgirl Gr*nding Shirt Fix
    • Charlie M*ssionary On Desk Sync Fix
    • Dva Hole 3 Mouth Fix


(v0.1.63) HoleHouse [Windows].zip 503 MB
20 days ago
(v0.1.63) HoleHouse [Linux].zip 502 MB
20 days ago
(v0.1.63) HoleHouse [Mac].zip 512 MB
20 days ago
(v0.1.63) HoleHouse [Android].apk 550 MB
20 days ago
(v0.1.63) HoleHouse [Chrome OS].apk 553 MB
20 days ago
(v0.1.63) HoleHouse [Android 32Bit].apk 536 MB
20 days ago

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strange question love the game but would be cool to get a picture of the new scenes when they come out like the footjob!