Hole House v0.1.74 Update December Part 1.
Hey everyone, I hope you’re all doing well and are starting to get excited for Christmas. This update comes with quite a to of fun stuff for you including a new character, adding more characters to the new scenes you got last update and a lot more :)
New Character Dva (+ Ranni For Patreon)
There has been quite a lot going on the past month as we had both a scene poll and two character polls. You all got a new scene last update which I hope you’re enjoying and this update you’re all getting a new character in Dva.
I have added her to the first batch of scenes, the same amount I did for Ranni and have also added some updated audio along with her that I hope you’ll enjoy. A lot of you have probably already unlocked her but if you haven’t you can do so by going to your quests and completing some of the parts to do with Mercy etc.
There is also a second head for Dva which will be coming for all of you soon probably once I’ve added her to the rest of the scenes along with a still image which I think you’re all going to enjoy. The head I have selected to give to you is actually the redesign of the original which I hope you all like. Let me know if there are any problems with this though as it should auto load in that head but there could be some bugs with the code. If it doesn’t you can scroll down to the head selector and change it just like you would with any of the other character head redesigns.
Now moving onto Ranni, I’ll start off with the quest line as this is probably the thing I need the most help with difficulty wise as its kind of a follow on from the Chun Li quest which was a turn based combat system. For this one I have increased the health of Ranni by quite a bit compared to you but for you I have given you the ability to buy some health potions in order to heal when you get low and also the option to buy a better weapon that will increase the amount of damage you can do.
These things obviously need fine tuning to make sure the quest is hard, but not impossible. I have increased the difficulty from the Beta so it should be a bit harder, you still should be able to do it with no health potions and the worst weapon but you might need to get a bit lucky for that to happen. Let me know what you think thought I can always change the difficulty.
There is also lots of things you can change with her look as I didn’t know what people would like to see most. The first thing you can change is having her hat off, this looks better for scenes where the hat might be getting in the way of things, secondly you can add cracks to her face like she has in the game which some people might like but some people also said they’d rather not have them so the option is there for you :)
Unique And Generic Outfits Added
This update has got both unique and generic outfits for you to all enjoy. I’ll start of with the generic ones as there’s quite a few of them. For the Hole 2 scene you will now have access to all of the generic outfits in that scene with things like p*nts around legs, fishnets, shoes, n*pple tape and more being able to on any character you like. A lot of these items can work together without overlapping weirdly, if any of them do overlap weirdly and the texture looks a bit off let me know, or if there are outfits you think should be able to work together let me know and I’ll see if I can enable them too.
Now onto the unique outfits, for the past few months I have been focusing on adding lots of unique outfits to the b*objob scene as I added in a new system that loads in the outfits from outside the scene allowing me to do lots of cool things with them now and in the future. Last update you got a couple of those and from what I can see there wasn’t any major bugs so this update I have added some more for you to enjoy (Yor Forger, Gwen S, Samu, Kim P Etc) should now all be able to have their unique outfits. Now that there are more outfits you can use there more chance of there being bug, just let me know if any of these don’t load in properly and I’ll see if I can get them fixed.
Finally Save/Load Outfit Presets, this has been broken for a long time now due to the amount of outfits in scenes getting too big for the old outfits system that most of the scenes use. I would like to start getting this feature working again with the new outfit system that some of the scenes use. This will only work in the scenes that have the new outfit system (D*epthroat V2, B*objob, Hole 3). Let me know if there are any problems with it and if its all good ill start working on the other scenes.
More Characters Added To New Shower Against Glass Scene
Last update you all got access to the first batch of character for the Shower Against Glass scene which I hope you all enjoyed, I have continued down the path of that scene adding more character for you. There are still some more to come but i’m hoping those will come either next update or the update after depending what else gets added.
There was also a feature focus poll last month where the “Scene Things” option won meaning stuff like Pr*g, F*ta, Squ*rting will be added to some scenes, from what I’ve seen so far a lot of people want those features in the shower against glass scene but let me know if there are some other scenes you’d like to see it in.
Patreon F*rry Poll + Scene Poll This Month
There is still a poll going on for another character that will be coming next update, there’s been a lot of new stuff added these past few updates XD, so far it looks like the Deer Girl is going to win which will fit in perfectly for Christmas. However if you would like to vote for some other options there’s Millie, Carmelita And Diane who have all in about evenly in second place. If the Deer Girl does end up winning though don’t worry if you wanted one of the others, they will get a chance to go again in a poll soon.
This month is also going to have a scene poll that will have the runners up from some of the previous scene polls so that will be themes like POV, F*otjob, From Behind and Hole. This should be quite a good and close poll so im excited to see which one wins.
Multiple Character In Scenes
Were getting very close now to being able to have a scene that is drawn and made to have two girls in, at the moment we have the multiple girls in hole 2 but they are kind of individual as they are just next to each other while the scene plays. I have some sketches ready that will have two girls together with you in the scene and if all things go to plan you should be able to pick exactly which two character you’d like with you.Theres still a lot of things code wise I need to figure out but so far it seems to be going well, the only thing I ask from you is please let me know if there are any problems loading into the Hole 2, B*objob and D*epthroat V2 scenes as those are the ones already using the loading in code that will be used for these future multiple character scenes.
Still Images And Head Redesigns
This is the last small thing, like always I have added a couple of images to the gallery for you all to view, those will be for Marceline and Albedo, the albedo one I particularly like and I think you will to, the Marceline one is also really nice but let me know if there are any other characters or positions you’d like to see added to the gallery.
Next was the head designs which I really like doing and think just help to improve my overall drawing skill and just update some of the older characters, one update I would like to spend the whole update doing these redesigns but that option never wins in the feature focus poll XD, maybe one day though, for now I’ll keep trying to do one or two a month just to keep my drawing skills improving. This time was for Android 18 which I think is quite a nice improvement although there is still some things I’d like to change with her and I might try again with a 3rd version to get her to look a bit more like how she does in the show.
Anyway I hope you like all the new stuff in the update and are excited for what’s to come, let me know if there is any bugs or problems you have
Thank You :D
Free Update Notes
- New Features
- New Character Dva
- Full Quest Line Involving Mercy
- Scenes
- Hole 1
- M*ssionary V2
- Rev C*wgirl (Back)
- D*ggy
- P*ep Hole
- H*ndjob
- D*epthroat V2
- Rev C*wgirl (Front)
- On Side
- F*ngering (Side)
- F*ngering (Front)
- Shower
- Hole 2
- ElastiGirl Shower Against Glass
- 4 B*ob Sizes
- Arm Position Change
- Outfits
- Steam and Soap Options
- Frankie F Shower Against Glass
- 4 B*ob Sizes
- Arm Position Change
- Outfits
- Steam and Soap Options
- Jessica R Shower Against Glass
- 4 B*ob Sizes
- Arm Position Change
- Outfits
- Steam and Soap Options
- Tsunade Shower Against Glass
- 4 B*ob Sizes
- Arm Position Change
- Outfits
- Steam and Soap Options
- Rebecca Shower Against Glass
- 4 B*ob Sizes
- Arm Position Change
- Outfits
- Steam and Soap Options
- Gwen TDI Shower Against Glass
- 4 B*ob Sizes
- Arm Position Change
- Outfits
- Steam and Soap Options
- Albedo Shower Against Glass
- 4 B*ob Sizes
- Arm Position Change
- Outfits
- Steam and Soap Options
- New Outfits
- Hole 2 Generic Outfits
- P*nts Around Leg
- Fishnets
- Fishnets (Torn Version)
- N*pple Tape
- Yor Forger B*objob
- Jumper
- Legwear
- Gwen S B*objob
- Bodysuit
- Samu B*objob
- Bodysuit
- Torn Bodysuit
- Kim P B*objob
- Trousers
- Top
- Gloves
- Belt
- Hole 2 Generic Outfits
- New Head Designs
- Android 18 (All Scenes)
- Still Images
- Albedo Bl*wjob
- 4 Variations
- Marcleine Riding
- 4 Variations
- Albedo Bl*wjob
- New Backgrounds (Legs Spread On Desk)
- Office
- Bamboo
- Dragon
- Titans
- HB
- Lava
- Legs Spread On Desk Head Position Change Updated To Slider
- Hole 3 Save/Load Outfit Presets Fixed And Updated To New Code
- Jack O Save/Load Outfit Presets Fixed And Updated To New Code
- Legs Spread Save/Load Outfit Presets Fixed And Updated To New Code
- B*objob Save/Load Outfit Presets Fixed And Updated To New Code
- D*epthroat V2 Save/Load Outfit Presets Fixed And Updated To New Code
- Bug Fixes
- Shower Against Glass Big B*obs Position Fix
- D*epthroat V2 Unique Overlapping Fix
- Hole 3 Unique Overlapping Fix
- B*objob Unique Overlapping Fix
- Hole 3 Toggles Correct Outfit
- Unique Outfit Across All Characters Buttons Updated
- Reception Bell Hint
- Rev C*wgirl (Back) And B*objob Pan/Zoom Fix
- Loona, Roxy Etc Fixed D*epthroat V2
- Samu H*ndjob Head Position Fix
- Gwen TDI, Aqua, Chun Li, Tatsumaki D*epthroat V2 Colour Fix
- Harley Quinn D*epthroat V2 Hair BH Fix
- Outfit Selector For Any Character “(Soon)” Fix
Patreon Update Notes
- New Features
- New Character Ranni
- New Quest Line (Combat Quest)
- 120+ Seconds Of Audio
- Cracks Option
- Scenes
- Hole 1
- M*ssionary V2
- Rev C*wgirl (Back)
- D*ggy
- P*ep Hole
- H*ndjob
- D*epthroat V2
- Rev C*wgirl (Front)
- On Side
- F*ngering (Side)
- F*ngering (Front)
- Shower
- Hole 2
- Carrot Jack O
- Head Position
- B*ob Size
- Outfits
- Guy Toggle
- Mrs McPherson Jack O
- Head Position
- B*ob Size
- Outfits
- Guy Toggle
- Mitsuri Jack O
- Head Position
- B*ob Size
- Outfits
- Guy Toggle
- Vault Girl Jack O
- Head Position
- B*ob Size
- Outfits
- Guy Toggle
- Aqua Legs Spread
- Depth Change
- B*ob Size
- Outfits
- Head Position
- Tatsumaki Legs Spread
- Depth Change
- B*ob Size
- Outfits
- Head Position
- Power Legs Spread
- Depth Change
- B*ob Size
- Outfits
- Head Position
- Mercy Legs Spread
- Depth Change
- B*ob Size
- Outfits
- Head Position
- Chun Li Legs Spread
- Depth Change
- B*ob Size
- Outfits
- Head Position
- New Outfits
- Latex Hole 3
- Top
- Sk*rt
- Str*ps
- Legwear (Shoes)
- Dress Top Hole 3
- Top
- Jacket
- Shoes
- Tatsumaki D*epthroat V2
- Dress
- Gwen TDI D*epthroat V2
- Top
- Sk*rt
- LegWear
- Chun Li D*epthroat V2
- Top
- LegWear
- Wrist Bands
- Aqua D*epthroat V2
- Sk*rt
- Top
- Sleeves
- LegWear
- Sam D*epthroat V2
- Shirt
- Trousers
- Velma D*epthroat V2
- Jumper
- Sk*rt
- Latex Hole 3
- New Head Designs
- Samu V2 (All Scenes)
- Rebecca V2 (All Scenes)
- Still Images
- Power Top Lift
- 4 Variations
- Judy H D*ggy
- 4 Variations
- Moxxi D*ggy Image Animation
- Yor Forger Th*ghjob Image Animation
- Power Top Lift
- New Backgrounds (Legs Spread On Desk)
- Office
- Bamboo
- Dragon
- Titans
- HB
- Lava
- Legs Spread On Desk Head Position Change Updated To Slider
- Hole 3 Save/Load Outfit Presets Fixed And Updated To New Code
- Jack O Save/Load Outfit Presets Fixed And Updated To New Code
- Legs Spread Save/Load Outfit Presets Fixed And Updated To New Code
- B*objob Save/Load Outfit Presets Fixed And Updated To New Code
- D*epthroat V2 Save/Load Outfit Presets Fixed And Updated To New Code
- Bug Fixes
- Shower Against Glass Big B*obs Position Fix
- D*epthroat V2 Unique Overlapping Fix
- Hole 3 Unique Overlapping Fix
- B*objob Unique Overlapping Fix
- Hole 3 Toggles Correct Outfit
- Unique Outfit Across All Characters Buttons Updated
- Reception Bell Hint
- Rev C*wgirl (Back) And B*objob Pan/Zoom Fix
- Loona, Roxy Etc Fixed D*epthroat V2
- Samu H*ndjob Head Position Fix
- Gwen TDI, Aqua, Chun Li, Tatsumaki D*epthroat V2 Colour Fix
- Harley Quinn D*epthroat V2 Hair BH Fix
- Outfit Selector For Any Character “(Soon)” Fix
Get Hole House
Hole House
The House where anything goes.
Status | In development |
Author | DotArtNSFW |
Genre | Simulation |
Tags | 2D, Adult, Anime, Erotic, futa, Hentai, NSFW, Parody, Porn, sex |
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